Hotel Name and Area (e.g. APA Hotel in Kyoto)
Check-in date: (Date-Month-Year)
Check-out Date:(Date-Month-Year)
Night(s) of stay:
Estimate check in time:
Total Number(s) of room required
Room Type: Single rm
Semi-double rm (1 Double bed rm size is smaller than double rm)
Double rm (1 Double bed)
Twin rm (2 beds)
Triple rm
Japanese rm (Tatami)
Smoking or non-smoking room Smoking
Breakfast/Dinner: no breakfast & dinner
with breakfast only
with dinner only
with breakfast & dinner
No of Persons in a rm Couple
1 Male
2 Males
1 Female
2 Females
1 Child Over 6
2 Children over 6
1 Child under 6
2 Children under 6
Personal Information:
Name in Full (should be same as passport)(e.g. Chan Dai Man)
Contact telephone number
Email Address:

If you do not get any reply from us within 2 workings days, please contact momomay
e-mail: japanfavorite2003@yahoo.com